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Leonhard Lapin. Architecture to Infinity




Professor Lapin is known more as an artist, but he is nevertheless an architect by education, and as a result, his participation in Estonian architecture over the last few decades has been equally strong. He was likewise one of the leading figures in the novel “Tallinn School” group of architects. The catalogue includes an introduction by architect Toomas Rein, Lapin’s essays on the art of building as a process, and a longer article by architectural historian Mait Väljas on Lapin as an architect. For the first time ever, a full list of Lapin’s architectural works is also published in the book. The catalogue’s illustrative material comprises Lapin’s projects and structures from over four decades.

  • Compiled by: Mait Väljas
  • Editor: Karin Hallas-Murula
  • Designer: Tiit Jürna
  • Copy-editor: Merle Valkonen
  • English summary, captions and architect’s CV
  • Tallinn, 2007
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